What to Expect
Properly preparing yourself for your procedure or surgery can make your day of surgery far less stressful. Your surgeon has already determined what lab work and/or medical clearances you might need. You will be given a requested arrival time a day or more prior to your surgery. Once you arrive, you will be registered and then called back to our preoperative area by a nurse. Your nurse will have you change into a gown and give you a bag for your personal belongings. If you are having sedation, an intravenous line (IV) will be started. Prior to your surgery, your surgeon, operating room nurse and, if applicable, the anesthesiologist will introduce themselves to you and answer any questions you have. At this point, you will be ready to proceed to the operating room for your scheduled procedure. Oftentimes, the anesthesiologist will give you a premedication to take the edge off prior to being taken to the operating room for your surgery.
Preparing for Surgery
The day prior to surgery, you should take it easy and eat light! Stay away from greasy, fatty and fried foods. Please notify your doctor and nurses immediately if:
- You experience any change in your health since your most recent visit to your physician, even something minor like a fever, cough or cold.
- You suspect you are pregnant.
- You have a latex allergy, diabetes, heart condition, kidney, liver failure, sleep apnea or previous problems with anesthesia.
Note: Do not take any blood-thinning medications or supplements such as aspirin, baby aspirin, Plavix, Coumadin (warfarin), Excedrin, vitamin E, or St. John’s Wart for one week prior to surgery unless advised otherwise by your physician. Eliquis, Xarelto, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) (e.g. Advil, Aleve, Mobic/meloxicam) should be stopped 48 hours prior to your surgery unless your physician advises otherwise. If you have taken any of these medications within the specified time prior to surgery, please advise your nurses and doctor immediately. These medications should not be stopped without consulting your physician.
After Midnight on Your Surgery Day
Do not smoke after midnight the day of your surgery. Do not eat or drink anything (including water, gum, mints, hard candy) after 9 pm the day prior to your surgery, unless your surgeon says otherwise. If your surgery is scheduled for after 12 noon, you can have clear liquids (e.g. water, Gatorade) up to six hours prior to your surgery. Please refrain from drinking red fluids (e.g. cranberry juice, red Gatorade) the day prior to or the day of your surgery. Preferably, you should have a light dinner the day prior to your surgery. Refrain from eating heavy, greasy, fatty and fried foods.
Undigested food in the stomach can cause complications, including aspiration of food and gastric contents into your lungs causing a dangerous and potentially fatal pneumonia called aspiration pneumonia. Your surgery may be postponed if you forget to follow these instructions.
Note: Children under 2 years old and diabetics may have up to 8 oz. of clear liquids (water, Sprite, 7UP, apple juice) up to four hours before their scheduled surgery time.
Morning of Surgery
Take a bath or shower and brush your teeth (taking care not to swallow any water).
Remove all makeup, nail polish and jewelry. If you must wear contacts, please bring your storage case for use during surgery. Wear loose, comfortable clothing that can accommodate a bandage, cast, or other type of dressing where the procedure is being performed. Remember that the surgery center is kept at a cooler temperature. During surgery, you will wear a patient gown provided by the center.
What to Bring on Your Day of Surgery
Bring all medical insurance cards. We will need your current and correct information. Bring a government-issued photo ID such as a driver’s license. Minors do not need ID, but the primary insured party does need ID. Bring your form of payment, if required.
Bring a copy of your consent forms and an Advanced Directive if you have one. Your signature will be required in accordance with your particular procedure.
If you have asthma or emphysema, bring your inhaler.
If you take insulin, bring your insulin and syringes.
If you are having knee, ankle or foot surgery, you may need crutches. Check with your physician for instructions regarding assistive devices.
Arrange for a responsible adult to accompany you to the center, receive discharge instructions, drive you home and stay with you for the first night following surgery.
We suggest adult patients be accompanied by just one person. We welcome both parents of pediatric patients. Parents cannot leave while their minor child is at the facility; they must remain in the waiting area. It is better if young siblings do not visit due to the lack of entertainment at the center. If your child does not drink from a cup, please bring a bottle or “sippy” cup. Your child can have a drink after the procedure. If your child is still in diapers, be sure to bring extras.
What Not to Bring to the Surgery Center
Leave all jewelry, wigs, cash and valuables at home. We cannot be responsible for their safety. Please call us if we have not reached you two days prior to surgery to review your medical history, preoperative instructions and financial arrangements. Please call 702-832-5959 and ask to speak to the pre-op nurse. If you have any other questions about getting ready for your procedure, please call us.
Note for Pediatric Patients: If you would like to bring your child in for a tour before their procedure, please contact us at 702-832-5959 to set up a time. Frequently, this helps ease anxiety that you and your child may feel. You may bring a favorite toy or blanket for your child to help him or her feel more comfortable. Your child will most likely have an IV in place upon waking from the procedure, which will be removed after he or she is taking fluids without nausea.
After Surgery
After your procedure, you will be moved to our post-anesthesia care unit (PACU), where the anesthesiologist and our recovery room nurses will observe you closely until you are ready for discharge to home. Your doctor will want to talk with a family member/friend after your surgery, so it is important for this person to remain at the facility. Time spent in the recovery room will vary depending on the procedure performed and the physician’s instructions, but we typically discharge most patients within one to two hours after their procedure.
Your surgeon will provide postoperative instructions about diet, rest, exercise and medications. The center will provide you with a written summary of instructions before you are discharged. We suggest that you pamper yourself for the first 24 hours following your procedure. If you had anesthesia and/or pain medications, arrange for an adult to remain with you at home for at least 24 hours. Since it is normal to feel drowsy after receiving an anesthetic, we also recommend that you postpone the following activities for 24 hours after discharge:
- Driving and operating equipment
- Signing important papers
- Making significant decisions
- Drinking alcoholic beverages
Out of Consideration
- Please silence your cell phone and refrain from cell phone conversations while in the lobby.
- Please speak quietly while in the surgery center.
- Please keep your feet off the furniture. Remember – people sit there.
- Due to limited seating, please bring only one guest with you.
- Guests should allow patients to have available seats in the waiting room.
- Please do not eat in the waiting room. Remember – many patients awaiting surgery have not eaten for 24 hours and seeing or smelling food can be upsetting.
- Please understand that to preserve patient privacy, we only allow one visitor at a time into the preoperative/PACU area.
If you have any unexpected problems, please call your doctor. A nurse from the center will call you the next day to check your progress and discuss any questions you may have.